Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Yes, if you guessed Alaska from the picture on my last post, you are right. We went on an Alaskan Cruise and spent a couple days in Seattle with our family in WA State.

I have always wanted to go to Alaska, in fact I wanted to live there. You can ask my sister Betsy, when we were both at home in Pennsylvania I always hated the summers and she loved them. I always loved the winters and she hated them. So we would always say that she would move to Florida and I would move to Alaska. Well, at least one of us met our goal. :-) I really try not to complain, but really, for a Pennsylvania girl whose favorite season is fall first and winter second and wanted to live in Alaska it does seem a little cruel that I ended up in one of the hottest states in the country - FLORIDA.

Anyway, back to the vacation - I will share some pictures but some of the best parts were when we arrived at Tracey Arm Fjord. It is basically a melted glacier and big chunks of ice are everywhere. The other was just being with our family during the trip that really made it even better and last but not least was having the opportunity to reconnect with some of our family in WA state. they were so gracious and hospitable and we just had a great time with them. So here are a few pictures:
Me and My Sweet Brother George (this is at the Fjord)
this huge boat was going in the narrow passageway of mountains and glaciers
Ice chunks from the glacier

You can't go to Alaska without saying hello to Sarah!
Skagway, Alaska - everything grows so beautifully there
Some great traveling companions :)
Me and my hubby in front of a glacier in Juneau, AK
You can't show cruise pics without one of a towel animal!

Ketichikan, AK
Hubby and his mom.
My brother George, sister Pat, niece Ginger and me - Oh and of course STARBUCKS!!
(We missed you Betsy!)
Brother George, Hubby, Brian (Gingers hubby) Nephew Larry and Great nephew Jacob
Wild Salmon from Washington State!

"For the Lord is good, His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Psalm 100:5


Pat Layton said...

The pictures are so fun. I can't wait to hear all about all of it!!
Lets do lunch!

CoachK said...

Hi Pat!
It was a great time. I'd love to do lunch - just let me know when - you are just a bit busier than me. :)

Cindy Gee said...

Awww... what a fabulous trip. I'm trying not to be green with
E N V Y.

I can only imagine how beautiful it is in summer. So nice you were able to share it with family. And I'm super jealous you got to meet Sarah. :-) So fun.

I've got an idea!!! Let's all DO lunch.

CoachK said...

Hi Cindy,
Wow, long time! It was a great trip - one that eveyone needs to take in their lifetime.

I agree if we can get our busy friend Pat find time we do all need to do lunch.

You know it was 12 years ago that we were all in that little office at Waters together. :)