Almost every year since the year I was pregnant with Debbie, my oldest, (I'm not sure if it's ok for me to say her age so I won't but it has been a long time) we have made a yearly trek to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our favorite spot is in a cozy little town called, Maggie Valley.
We went from it being my hubby, me and pregnant with daughter Debbie in 1977 to our family of four through the years, until the last few years it is now hubby, me, daughter Debbie, her hubby Abel and two sweet grandgirls Kaitlyn and Anna. We are all hoping for son Johnny, his future wife Sarah and little Mattie to join us next year. Then it would be complete. :)
So once again 32 years from our first trip here we are again and loving it more than ever.
Our first North Carolina trip in 1977 - daughter Debbie's first trip - (I'm 3 month pregnant)
Debbie's first trip outside the womb..... 1980
Son Johnny's first Carolina trip - 1984
A few years later
Our last trip with just the four of us - probably around 1996
Then we started all over again in 2002 with a new son-in-law, who is a blessing to our family
the next trip was in 2007 - enjoying sharing our family tradition with our granddaughters....
It's so fun doing all the same things we did with our kids with our grandchildren and seeing the same excitement on their faces of every new experience
2008 - a little easier - the girls a little older
2009 - another wonderful week of fun, laughter, talking about life and
just enjoying being together. We are blessed and God is good and so is our life.
Next year - Johnny is determined to have his little family there with us so
we are looking forward to adding to our crew.
Enjoy this wonderful time of the year. If you live in Florida like me, decorate your house for fall and put the air down as far as you can and sit down with a cup of hot chocolate. :)
If you have children, cherish those moments as they go quickly and have some family traditions that they can always remember or even pass on to their children.
Life is Good! and I am so thankful....
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7 (New Living Translation)

It's so fun doing all the same things we did with our kids with our grandchildren and seeing the same excitement on their faces of every new experience
just enjoying being together. We are blessed and God is good and so is our life.
Next year - Johnny is determined to have his little family there with us so
we are looking forward to adding to our crew.
If you have children, cherish those moments as they go quickly and have some family traditions that they can always remember or even pass on to their children.
Life is Good! and I am so thankful....
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7 (New Living Translation)
Great series of photos!
That was a great progression of life in NC for your family. Such treasures photos become years down the road. What wonderful memories you all have created in this tradition. I just love the way the family 'grows' with each marriage and now your grandbabies are also enjoying the fun.
We haven't been to Maggie Valley in a lot of years but have fond memories. There are so many great places to visit in NC.
Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.
Thank you Meems, it was fun just putting it together. I thought I was pretty brave to be putting old pics of myself. Remember the big hair! :)
Thank you Snow!
Well, I didn't want to be the one to say it but yes, brave. Although when you improve with age like you have you've got nothing to lose with that exposure! Blessings to you.
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