We are starting a new bible study with our couples group. The study is on the book of Daniel and the teacher is Tommy Nelson. I was reviewing the first video lesson today and He brought out some very thought provoking statements. I thought I would share some today.
Daniel as many know is a book of prophecy. The teacher is discussing the reasons for prophecy. He stated that the study of prophecy is not just about figuring out how it will all end, but it is about finding our place in this journey and understanding how knowing the end of the story now gives us even more purpose, peace and passion for living today.
His point was that as we study scripture and understand God's plan and purposes we may begin to more closely examine our own values in life. We need to examine who we are and how we are living today in the light of eternity to come.
An exercise he suggested to reveal our true values would be to first ask your self what your goals for the next five years are. Do this for a second before reading further.............
Next ask yourself what your goals would be if you knew Jesus was coming back at the end of this year. He suggested that if those two lists are not very closely connected in thought that we may want to examine our values.
We need to live as though Jesus is coming back tomorrow but plan and use wisdom as though we have the rest of our lives.
The point is not that we can't enjoy life....we should enjoy things but don't invest and trust in the temporal things of this world - we need to constantly aware of the eternal things to invest and trust in.
It's very easy to get caught up in all the things the world has to offer, not the bad things but even the fun and new things. It really is a matter of keeping our perspective in the right place and keeping balance with how much we allow ourselves to be consumed with all the stuff. Remember it's OK to have a little ice cream sometimes but for the most part you want to be putting the good healthy foods into our bodies. It's the same with all the material offerings of the world. It's OK to have a little here and there but we need to keep our spirit and mind focused on the things that have eternal value.
"So our aim is to please Him always, whether we are here in this body or away from this body"
2 Corinth. 5:9
"But let us who live in the light think clearly, protected by the body armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation." 2 Thess. 5:8
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