Sunday, April 19, 2009


I wanted to write one last post about my trip to Trinidad.  I met some of the most amazing people there. I was reminded as we often are when we go to another country of how much we have and how much we take for granted.  

Pastor Mervin and his wife Marie were so gracious to us as we stayed in there home.  Because the crime is so bad in Trinidad - their home and many other homes are surrounded by a steel gate and at night they leave 2 huge dogs out to patrol the yard.  

As we visited the homes of some of the congregation I was amazed at how little many of the people had.  They do not get loans for their homes - so they build a room and live there until they can build more.   In the mist of all this they are so grateful for all they had and for just their relationship with God. 

It was such a reminder to me at how we take so much for granted and really do not need so much of what we are always striving to have.  We are very selfish, spoiled people for the most part when you compare with what others have and their attitudes toward it. 
I really have come back with a different outlook on what I NEED on a daily basis and how little I have to complain about. 

I thank God and the beautiful people of Trinidad for showing me what REAL trust and hope look like.  Its easy to trust when we have so much but when you live day by day on so little you truly are walking in faith - knowing that God is going to provide your every need. 

Their dollar is 6 of theirs to 1 of ours.  It was amazing to see the prices of things. I believe everyone should go on a mission trip at least one time in their lives, it certainly puts everything into perspective. 

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