Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Final Step

Today we are wrapping up our Steps Toward Purpose.  To review, these are the steps we have taken so far to move toward our purpose in Life:

Step 1 - Do today what God has for you TODAY
Step 2 - Forgetting what is behind
Step 3 - Love others as Jesus loves you
Step 4 - Pursue Peace
Step 5 - Repent of all known and hidden sin
Step 6 - Walk in Integrity
Step 7 - Expect the Desires of your heart
Step 8 - Surrender your heart daily to God
Step 9 - Anticipate God's Vision
Step 10 - Take Courage
Step 11 - Bring Glory to God

So our next and last step is Bring Glory to God.  As you consider what needs to happen in your life for you to follow God's plan, guard against losing hope because of the many unknowns. Instead, focus on what you do know and trust him with the details. The pressure to complete God's work isn't actually on us - it is on God.  He is the one who know what we are to do.  He will provide the strength and the resources. 

God will enable you to carry out your portion of his work whether you are currently accomplishing your purpose or taking your first steps to prepare yourself, your character, your finances, your network, or your skills for what is ahead.  

As we finish our Journey Toward Purpose I would give you these last words of encouragement:

Don't give up and do whatever it takes to heal and press on, do today what matters today.  Be aware of your motives and look out for others along the pathway.  Fall hopelessly in love with Jesus, pursue peace, and listen closely to every word He has to say.  Live a passionate life of full surrender to God, repenting from sin and serving Him faithfully for the rest of your life.  Be filled to overflowing with anticipation, vision and courage.  As you grow into each of God's daily and distinct purposes for your life, be confident that God is fulfilling His great purposes through you. 

I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.  John 17:4

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