To put together all these analogies of seeds, cultivating, Sonlight and watering, I had to do some research on gardening. As long as I can remember my mom had a garden, in Pennsylvania the garden was always big with rows and rows of all varieties of vegetables. Most of my family have began gardens in their backyards. So I felt it was time for me to have one of my own.
Now, I know better than to do anything too big, as I am not what I would consider to be a "gardener" but I have always loved the thought of having an herb garden. So as I contemplated this very serious endeavor I realized I must call an expert. My local expert is my friend Cindy, also known as Meems at www.hoeandshovel.blogspot. Cindy has the most beautiful garden in Florida, it is Better Homes and Garden quality. So I called my expert and asked for help with putting together a little herb garden. She was very gracious and did not laugh at the thought of my doing any kind of garden and suggested we meet at Lowes to get what we needed.
I have to say I was having a bit of a hard time keeping my expert focused on my little project with so much "garden" stuff to look at, but she really did try. :) So I followed my expert around the aisles of Lowes "garden center" gathering the supplies....A big pot, potting soil, and then the big decision....which herbs to buy. Now keep in mind I am starting small. I must make sure this little herb garden lives before doing more.
My expert suggested a few of the better herbs I may consider, for the pot space I had and that I use the most. We then loaded up the cart to buy our supplies.

At this point I am really getting excited about my garden. I'm serious! We then went to my car and put the garden together....I told you it was small. :)
We (I say we but my expert demostrated this for me to show me the proper way to do it so I could do another if this one lived) started with putting newspaper on the bottom then potting soil over the paper, next we took our herbs and gently opened up spaces for them, finishing with a covering of soil. My expert brought some special potting soil to mix in.
As you can see the finished product is beautiful. I have had my little garden now for 4 days now and it is thriving. I made lasagna today and told my hubby, " I am going out to the garden to get some parsley for my lasagna!"
I think I heard him laugh but chose to ignore it. I was beyond excited to snip my own homegrown parsley for my dinner.
All the gardeners in my family were very encouraging when they saw my herb garden. It really looks so pretty in my porch. Not only was this just alot of fun to do but it again reminded me how much what we do in the natural has so much of a spiritual application. I am becoming disciplined in keeping my soil free from weeds, providing full sonlight everyday, watering everyday and keeping the pests out both in my natural garden and my spiritual garden.