Thursday, May 13, 2010

Love Busters

We talked a couple posts ago about the Four Horsemen that can destroy a marriage or a relationship of any type. Well there are a few more that can do some pretty big damage to both a marriage or any other type of relationship or friendship you may have and want to keep.

Dr William Harley has a book called, " Love Busters" and in this book he details Six major
Love Busters that will attack every relationship, some are obvious, some are very subtle, but all work to undermine the relationship.

We are going to take each one of these a day at a time and hopefully this will help you to recognize whether any of these Love Busters are affecting you and will help you with a plan to overcome the behavior in your relationships . This will help you see if any Love Busters are draining your marriage or relationships;

The Love Busters Studies are based on the book Love Busters by Willard F. Harley.

1. Angry Outbursts
2. Annoying Habits
3. Dishonesty
4. Dealing with Demands
5. Disrespectful Judgments
6. Thoughtless Behaviour

Tomorrow we will look at Angry Outbursts and move each day to the others, ending with a "Love Buster" Quiz.

1 comment:

Beverly Walters Whaley said...

How interesting.....a love busters quiz....can't wait!!!! Love them more often!