Keeping Relationships Simple
During this journey of 30 days to a simpler life we have touched here and there on how to simplify the relationships in our lives but today I want to focus just on our relationships with other women
I was reminded last night, as I always am, when I gathered with this particular group of remarkable women, of how blessed I am to have so many amazing women in my life. I have a wonderful group of friends who I treasure and love but today I'm talking about the women in my family.
I am one of the blessed people in life, and I do not take this for granted, that has a big family and lots of women in that family that all live close, all share similar values and really, really like each other and like to be together. The best part of it is we are all of different generations, stages of life and different personalities but we all respect and value each other, our similarities and differences. In fact the differences are what make it all so fun. We are sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, nieces, daughters and we are each others friends.
Our relationships are not complicated, they are simple and they bring to them simple principles that make our bond and our love stronger as the years go by. Some of those principles are:
- being known and accepted,
- understood to the core of who we are.
- trust and loyalty you can count on,
- having someone on your side.
- Having someone to share worries and secrets as well as the good stuff of life.
- Someone who needs you in return.
- Someone who has your best interest at heart.
- Someone who encourages us to be our best but loves us when we're not.
- Someone who knows all our stuff, and still loves us unconditionallyn our family our r
What wonderful quotes, Kathy! I was thinking the same thing last night. These ladies are my familly. and they are all gathered to talk about Jesus! It doesn't get any better than that!! :)
Thank you for opening your home for the Bible study, and the soup too!
This particular piece made me stop and think of the important women in my life. Since I don't have any blood relationships of this quality, it made me appreciate all the more my in-laws, my friends by choice and just my email buddies that exhibit these qualities. I took the list and then sent an email to every one of them, expressing just how important they are in my life and how I see them exhibiting these qualities.
Then I took a second pass through my address book and sent emails to those that I knew were not close to me but exhibited these qualities to others. All in all it was a good reminder to cherish those in ours lives that God has blessed us with because He meets all of our needs.
By the way, the word verification for this message was "bread".
After I finished I realized that I wanted to send my email to my husband and our son too because they are my closest relationships. And they are men that exhibit these traits too. They are the ones that never fail in showing unconditional love.
Auntie K you too are a very special woman...and I can say to all of us! Your honor to the Women in your family truely touched my heart! Keep it up girl! Love ya
What a great way to express your gratitute to those special people in your life, and yes the men in our lives do exhibit those same traits. I know each and every person was blessed by your sweet e-mails.
Pocahontas and Bev, Thank you!
I don't have a lot of quotes from mom but these were just so her weren't they!
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